On line Payment





You can make a payment on line with E-transactions, the secure payment solution of Crédit Agricole.


=> I am a customer and I want to pay a deposit or a bill online, click here


Then complete the form as required :


Règlement acomptes et factures (Payments and invoices)
Je souhaite payer en ligne un acompte ou une facture (I want to pay online a deposit or an invoice) 

- Nom/prénom ou Raison sociale (Last name / first name or Company name) *
- Adresse mail (Mail address) *
- Numéro de la facture (Bill number) *
- Montant du règlement (Amount) *
* Champs obligatoires (Required fields)




- Make a payment by check:

Please make checks payable to the Clinique Equine de Livet and note on the back of that heck your name and the file reference.


- Make a payment by money order:

Please make money order payable to the Clinique Equine de Livet and note on the warrant the reference of your file.


- Make a payment by bank transfer:

You can send us a direct transfer to our account Crédit Agricole.


- Make a cash payment:

The payment must be made in our offices. A receipt will be issued. 


